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Finished 23 / 05 / 2018
$ 3,706
$ 3,347
$ 5,250
52 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Wasp Reward. Wasps are insects predators, and contribute to pollination.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb" of acknoledgment, at the entrance of the earth BEElive! Aknwoledgment in blog / Web.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Beetle reward. The beetles opt for flowers with larger petals and for those that are more aromatic.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive !. Acknoledgment in the blog and web. Environmental education digital materials. Take part in a guided tour to get to know the garden and the bees!

    > 09 Backers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Butterfly Reward The Butterflies feed from the nectar of the flowers, fulfilling their role as pollinators.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive !. Aknowledgment in the blog and web. We plant a tree to your name or dedicated by you to whoever you want! You can follow its growth through the blog or come and see it, by joining a guided tour to get to know the garden and the bees!

    > 13 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Ladybird Reward. In addition to being a small pollinator, the ladybird eats aphids and woodlice, contributing to the health of the garden.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive !. Acknoledgment in the blog and web. We plant a tree to your name or dedicated by you to who you want and that you will be able to follow in the blog or to know participating in a guided visit to BEElive! land. Environmental education digital materials . Online assistance about organic vegetables gardening and pollinators keeping.

    > 10 Backers
  • Contributing $ 76

    Hummingbird Butterfly Reward. The flight of this Butterfly resembles that of the hummingbird bird. Feeds from flowers in flight, and loves the jasmine!

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in the blog and web. We plant a tree in your name or dedicated by you to who you want and that you will be able to follow in the blog or to know participating in a guided visit to BEElive! land. Environmental education digital materials. Online advice about organic vegetables gardening and pollinators keeping. Selection of seeds from bee-friendly plants grown on BEElive! land. Join an environmental education workshop BEElive! (Italy), or in Barcelona / Madrid.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Bee Reward. When a bee finds a good source of nectar, she can communicate where it is to her companions. For example, flying in a circle it indicates that the meadow is nearby. Flying in the form of 8, that the meadow is far.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in in the blog and web. We plant a tree or honey plant in your name or dedicated by you to whoever you want and that you can follow on the blog or meet participating in a guided tour in BEElive! land. Environmental education digital materials. Online assistance on organic vegetable gardening and pollinators keeping. BEElive! original t-shirt "BEEnice" to bees. Selection of seeds from bee-friendly plants grown on BEElive! land. Environmental education workshop at BEElive! (Italy), or in Barcelona / Madrid.

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Bee Reward. In a hive they can live between 50,000 and 80,000 bees. They maintain constant temperature inside thanks to the movement of their wings.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in the blog and web. Selection of seeds from bee-friendly plants grown on BEElive! land. Join an environmental education workshop BEElive! (Italy), or in Barcelona / Madrid.
    Basket (medium), of ECO vegetables grown on the BEELive land! You'll receive it at home if you are far away. (We will support local ECO peasants closer to you).

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 543

    Bumblebee Reward. With its abundant striped fur, the Bumblebee is a nice "stuffed" insect, and perhaps the most effective for pollination.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in the blog and web. BE our guest for two days, to know the land and works at BEElive!, and know the beautiful villages of Salento and their excellent gastronomy!
    BEElive! original t-shirt "BEEnice to bees". Basket (LARGE), of ECO vegetables grown on the BEELive land! You'll receive it at home if you are far away. (We will support local ECO peasants closer to you).

    > 01 Backers

Un poco de paciencia, un po' di pazienza. :)

Queridxs amigxs,
hace un mes desde el cierre de nuestra campaña y siguen los trabajos en la tierra BEElive, sobre todo en esta epóca en que el clima y la tierra ayudan a que todo crezca con ganas y las abejas y polinizadores no paran su vaivén...

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Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.


Cari amici e amiche, siam alle ultime ore del nostro crowfounding e vogliamo di nuovo ringraziarvi per l'appoggio e la diffusione, le telefonate, le domande, i come va e tutti i gesti che ci hanno aiutato a continuare, a mettere radici e...favi...

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We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people.
5 last days of our 2nd and final funding round in Goteo. If you just arrived, catch up on this.

Major Tom to ground control.... :)

Major Tom to ground control.. ;) Nuestras amigas siguen trabajando en la construcción de los panales en el colmenar Top Bar, sin ojas enceradas ni otra guía a parte de su maravillosa naturaleza. Estamos enamorados y cada día más motivados...

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40mila nuove abitanti! :) 40 mil nuevas vecinas

Come previsto dalla prima fase di finanziamento, abbiamo potuto istallare e abitare le prime arnie! GRAZIE DI CUORE a tutti coloro che lo hanno reso possibile. La terra BEElive acquista sempre più vita grazie a queste piccole aiutanti! Sono...

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BEElive! by night ;)

La tierra BEElive! se pone cada día y cada noche más guapa! Ya es tierra de conquista del verde y de las flores! :)

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Echando raíces

Ieri i fortunati son stati tre alberi d'arancio, che giá han fretta di fiorire! :) La terra è buona, per ora tutte le piante e alberi piantati hanno attecchito senza protestare! Puoi aiutarci a diffondere BEElive...

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PLantas y más plantas :)

Y el afortunado es... E il fortunato di oggi è...

Seguimos plantando en la tierra BEElive! Hoy la suerte le toca a: un limonero! La mayor parte de la financiación del proyecto será dedicada a re-vivir esta tierra con árboles y plantas . Los...

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La Osmia, (Osmia rufa, Osmia lignaria, Osmia cornuta y otras especies) es un insecto de la familia Apidae, que no produce miel pero es un excelente polinizador. Es un insecto manso, si lo molestas generalmente huye, pero recuerda que las hembras...

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LO HEMOS CONSEGUIDO! Hemos podido concluir la primera ronda de financiación! GRACIAS A TODXS lxs que lo habéis hecho posible! Mientras en las flores ya tenemos las primeras visitas, seguimos trabajando al oasis y a la difusión...

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A million thanks to everyone! We keep crowdfunding in a 2nd round to achieve our optimum goal!
100% of the minimum achieved, it's a total joy! Thank you!
Very close to our funding goal in Goteo, donation after donation!

Grandi notizie! :)

Oggi Antonio si è dedicato a continuare a rinverdire la terra, piantando in particolare lavanda e timo. E mentre ci sono ancora 5 giorni fino alla conclusione del primo round, una super donazione è arrivata dall'Andalusia! Frutto di una colletta...

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Hoy Antonio se ha dedicado a seguir acondicionando el terreno, plantando en particular lavanda y tomillo. Y mientras faltan 5 días para la conclusión de la primera ronda ha llegado una super donación desde Andalucía! Fruto de una recolecta entre...

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Almost, almost there... How will this campaign end? Click here and meet the donors who already support us.


Nos falta una semana para alcanzar el minímo de financiación! Esperamos conseguirlo, para poder seguir aconsicionando el terreno así como poder difundir y multiplicar el proyecto!

Gracias a todxs por seguir apoyando su difusión en las redes...

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Will we make it? One week left and we still need to achieve the minimum goal!

Colmenas- Arnie :)

Estamos montando las colmenas TOP BAR :) En este particular tipo de colmena (de origen Africana) las abejas pueden contruir sus panales de una forma muy natural y segun sus exigencias.
Esperamos poder alcanzar la financiacion suficiente...

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We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
Has it been already 20 days of campaign? Time to remember non monetary contributions.

La primavera...

Feliz primavera! Con nieve ..menos nieve... lluvia , fresquito pero primavera es!
Hoy hemos alcanzado la mitad de la fininciación miníma necesaria, así que tenemos mucho que celebrar, que agradecer a todxs, y muchas flores que plantar! :) Estos...

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50% collected, the glass is already half full!

El vaso medio lleno! ;)

estamos practicamente tocando la mitad de lo necesario para alcanzar el minímo!
En estos primeros días de campaña ha sido fundamental vuestra colaboración, las preguntas, los consejos y la participación!

Ahora es el momento...

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información importante: beneficios fiscales


Per chi abbia fatto o farà una donazione ricordiamo che donazioni attraverso comportano benefici fiscali. Qui come calcolarli.🌻

Donar a proyectos a través...

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One week already in Goteo! Take a look on our motivations and who we target.

Plantamos flores! :)

Es el caso en que una imagen vale más de mil palabras :)
Aquí una abeja silvestre, hoy, en sus primeras exploraciones en busca de comida.
Ver esto nos anima a seguir. La "compleja" sencillez de esta imágen y la alegría que nos da.

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After setting sail, we look for boaters! Clic here and learn about our campaign goals.

El por qué de las abejas.


Aquí dejamos una foto de los primeros árboles plantados: naranjos: un árbol originario de la China, símbulo de buen auspicio!

Con buenos auspicios ha empezado la campaña BEElive! y a hoy tenemos 37 días para poder recaudar...

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First contributions have warmed up our funding thermometer but we still need support!
Here we are! The team behind this campaign and project.


Dopo il primo giorno di campagna per BEElive! siamo entusiasti per l'interesse ricevuto, e per le prime preziose donazioni che ci permetteranno passo a passo di realizzare pienamente il progetto. Continuiamo!

    Ma prima di tutto, un GRAZIE...
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First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!